About Us


Our Mission Is to Honor and Serve our Heroes in the Medical Field.
We're committed to taking care of those who take care of others.

Behind The Name

The term Bayani might simply be translated from Tagalog to English as the word "Hero", but it means so much more... 

"Bayani" refers to someone who performs selfless deeds for humanity, demonstrating exceptional courage or bravery in spite of overwhelming circumstances.

We've decided to honor people in the medical field by naming our brand "BAYANI" symbolizing how medical field workers are real life heroes.  These people continue to save and protect real lives daily despite dangers that could possibly harm their own health.

That's why we say:

" Not All Heroes Wear Capes... Most Of Them Wear Scrubs "

Business Philosophy 

We believe the best way to build a business is by enriching the lives of others and providing real value.  Our goal is to have our products create moments of Happiness, Joy, and Satisfaction for our customers. 

Our True North is to work with integrity, ethics and to "Honor the Lord in all we do by operating the company in a manner consistent with Biblical principles." **

We believe in paying it forward and sharing our blessings with others & that's why we have committed to our philanthropic initiatives. 

After all one of Jesus's biggest commandments was to love others:

John 15:12: My command is this, Love each other as I have loved you.